Everyone has a story, and my story began with a career ending injury in baseball just as I was about to enter the Major Leagues.

I was devastated that my dream came to an abrupt end, and wondering what was next. My father, a one-time professional Drag Racer, was the visionary for the path that we would choose next. Little did I know that the huge void in my life would soon be filled with racing. We had one goal in mind……make it to the NASCAR Winston Cup.

At that time no driver from the west coast had made it as a stable fixture in Winston Cup, so we set our sights on being the first. I remember the words from my father who said, “you will never be the best race car driver in the world, but you can be the most well-rounded.”

And, frankly, that is exactly what happened. In hindsight, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

As an introvert, my father persuaded me that I had to be able to be the “whole package”, not just a race car driver. Begrudgingly, I began with speech classes, marketing courses, radio, television, speaking engagements…… and in between becoming so “well rounded”, I was racing cars. The journey to go on to win poles, win races, win championships was certainly not easy, and there was not a day that passed that I wasn’t working all the time.

My hard work eventually paid off; I felt confident enough to pitch myself to companies for sponsorship and represent major corporations in my quest to make it to NASCAR and the Winston Cup Series.

It took ten years and in 1990 I would win the Daytona 500. My life changed in that moment, and would never be the same. The morning after the Daytona 500, I was off to New York to be on the David Letterman show and life would be written is racing history forever. My journey is one of drive, passion, and perseverance. I enjoy speaking to audiences on how my dream became a reality, and the life lessons I learned along the way.

If you are looking for an inspiring speaker at your next event, or guest on an upcoming podcast, let’s talk!

I can be reached at derrikecopeclub@gmail.com

My signature topics include:

  • A life well lived…a perspective of a full life through trials & tribulations.

  • Life lessons from my dad…don’t get out-worked.

  • Racing short stories and …little did you know, crashes, impressions you make!

  • The racing business…then and now.

Derrike Cope Professional Speaking